226 research outputs found

    On the Complexity of Exact Pattern Matching in Graphs: Binary Strings and Bounded Degree

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    Exact pattern matching in labeled graphs is the problem of searching paths of a graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) that spell the same string as the pattern P[1..m]P[1..m]. This basic problem can be found at the heart of more complex operations on variation graphs in computational biology, of query operations in graph databases, and of analysis operations in heterogeneous networks, where the nodes of some paths must match a sequence of labels or types. We describe a simple conditional lower bound that, for any constant Ï”>0\epsilon>0, an O(∣E∣1−ϔ m)O(|E|^{1 - \epsilon} \, m)-time or an O(∣E∣ m1−ϔ)O(|E| \, m^{1 - \epsilon})-time algorithm for exact pattern matching on graphs, with node labels and patterns drawn from a binary alphabet, cannot be achieved unless the Strong Exponential Time Hypothesis (SETH) is false. The result holds even if restricted to undirected graphs of maximum degree three or directed acyclic graphs of maximum sum of indegree and outdegree three. Although a conditional lower bound of this kind can be somehow derived from previous results (Backurs and Indyk, FOCS'16), we give a direct reduction from SETH for dissemination purposes, as the result might interest researchers from several areas, such as computational biology, graph database, and graph mining, as mentioned before. Indeed, as approximate pattern matching on graphs can be solved in O(∣E∣ m)O(|E|\,m) time, exact and approximate matching are thus equally hard (quadratic time) on graphs under the SETH assumption. In comparison, the same problems restricted to strings have linear time vs quadratic time solutions, respectively, where the latter ones have a matching SETH lower bound on computing the edit distance of two strings (Backurs and Indyk, STOC'15).Comment: Using Lemma 12 and Lemma 13 might to be enough to prove Lemma 14. However, the proof of Lemma 14 is correct if you assume that the graph used in the reduction is a DAG. Hence, since the problem is already quadratic for a DAG and a binary alphabet, it has to be quadratic also for a general graph and a binary alphabe

    Linear Time Construction of Indexable Elastic Founder Graphs

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    The pattern matching of strings in labeled graphs has been widely studied lately due to its importance in genomics applications. Unfortunately, even the simplest problem of deciding if a string appears as a subpath of a graph admits a quadratic lower bound under the Orthogonal Vectors Hypothesis (Equi et al. ICALP 2019, SOFSEM 2021). To avoid this bottleneck, the research has shifted towards more specific graph classes, e.g. those induced from multiple sequence alignments (MSAs). Consider segmenting MSA[1..m, 1..n] into b blocks MSA[1..m, 1..j1], MSA[1..m, j1 + 1..j2],..., MSA[1..m, jb- 1 + 1..n]. The distinct strings in the rows of the blocks, after the removal of gap symbols, form the nodes of an elastic founder graph (EFG) where the edges represent the original connections observed in the MSA. An EFG is called indexable if a node label occurs as a prefix of only those paths that start from a node of the same block. Equi et al. (ISAAC 2021) showed that such EFGs support fast pattern matching and gave an O(mnlogm)-time algorithm for preprocessing the MSA in a way that allows the construction of indexable EFGs maximizing the number of blocks and, alternatively, minimizing the maximum length of a block, in O(n) and O(n log log n) time respectively. Using the suffix tree and solving a novel ancestor problem on trees, we improve the preprocessing to O(mn) time and the O(n log log n)-time EFG construction to O(n) time, thus showing that both types of indexable EFGs can be constructed in time linear in the input size.Peer reviewe

    Applying the Positional Burrows–Wheeler Transform to All-Pairs Hamming distance

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    Crochemore et al. gave in WABI 2017 an algorithm that from a set of input strings finds all pairs of strings that have Hamming distance at most a given threshold. The proposed algorithm first finds all long enough exact matches between the strings, and sorts these into pairs whose coordinates also match. Then the remaining pairs are verified for the Hamming distance threshold. The algorithm was shown to work in average linear time, under some constraints and assumptions.under some constraints and assumptions. We show that one can use the Positional Burrows-Wheeler Transform (PBWT) by Durbin (Bioinformatics, 2014) to directly find all exact matches whose coordinates also match. The same structure also extends to verifying the pairs for the Hamming distance threshold. The same analysis as for the algorithm of Crochemore et al. applies. As a side result, we show how to extend PBWT for non-binary alphabets. The new operations provided by PBWT find other applications in similar tasks as those considered here. (C) 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.Peer reviewe

    Chaining with Overlaps Revisited

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    Chaining algorithms aim to form a semi-global alignment of two sequences based on a set of anchoring local alignments as input. Depending on the optimization criteria and the exact definition of a chain, there are several O(n log n) time algorithms to solve this problem optimally, where n is the number of input anchors. In this paper, we focus on a formulation allowing the anchors to overlap in a chain. This formulation was studied by Shibuya and Kurochkin (WABI 2003), but their algorithm comes with no proof of correctness. We revisit and modify their algorithm to consider a strict definition of precedence relation on anchors, adding the required derivation to convince on the correctness of the resulting algorithm that runs in O(n log2 n) time on anchors formed by exact matches. With the more relaxed definition of precedence relation considered by Shibuya and Kurochkin or when anchors are non-nested such as matches of uniform length (k-mers), the algorithm takes O(n log n) time. We also establish a connection between chaining with overlaps and the widely studied longest common subsequence problem. 2012 ACM Subject Classification Theory of computation ! Pattern matching; Theory of computation ! Dynamic programming; Applied computing ! Genomics.Peer reviewe

    Accurate spliced alignment of long RNA sequencing reads

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    Motivation: Long-read RNA sequencing technologies are establishing themselves as the primary techniques to detect novel isoforms, and many such analyses are dependent on read alignments. However, the error rate and sequencing length of the reads create new challenges for accurately aligning them, particularly around small exons. Results: We present an alignment method uLTRA for long RNA sequencing reads based on a novel two-pass collinear chaining algorithm. We show that uLTRA produces higher accuracy over state-of-the-art aligners with substantially higher accuracy for small exons on simulated and synthetic data. On simulated data, uLTRA achieves an accuracy of about 60% for exons of length 10 nucleotides or smaller and close to 90% accuracy for exons of length between 11 and 20 nucleotides. On biological data where true read location is unknown, we show several examples where uLTRA aligns to known and novel isoforms containing small exons that are not detected with other aligners. While uLTRA obtains its accuracy using annotations, it can also be used as a wrapper around minimap2 to align reads outside annotated regions.Peer reviewe

    Indexable Elastic Founder Graphs of Minimum Height

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    Indexable elastic founder graphs have been recently proposed as a data structure for genomics applications supporting fast pattern matching queries. Consider segmenting a multiple sequence alignment MSA[1..m,1..n] into b blocks MSA[1..m,1..j₁], MSA[1..m,j₁+1..j₂], 
, MSA[1..m,j_{b-1}+1..n]. The resulting elastic founder graph (EFG) is obtained by merging in each block the strings that are equivalent after the removal of gap symbols, taking the strings as the nodes of the block and the original MSA connections as edges. We call an elastic founder graph indexable if a node label occurs as a prefix of only those paths that start from a node of the same block. Equi et al. (ISAAC 2021) showed that such EFGs support fast pattern matching and studied their construction maximizing the number of blocks and minimizing the maximum length of a block, but left open the case of minimizing the maximum number of distinct strings in a block that we call graph height. For the simplified gapless setting, we give an O(mn) time algorithm to find a segmentation of an MSA minimizing the height of the resulting indexable founder graph, by combining previous results in segmentation algorithms and founder graphs. For the general setting, the known techniques yield a linear-time parameterized solution on constant alphabet ÎŁ, taking time O(m nÂČ log|ÎŁ|) in the worst case, so we study the refined measure of prefix-aware height, that omits counting strings that are prefixes of another considered string. The indexable EFG minimizing the maximum prefix-aware height provides a lower bound for the original height: by exploiting exploiting suffix trees built from the MSA rows and the data structure answering weighted ancestor queries in constant time of Belazzougui et al. (CPM 2021), we give an O(mn)-time algorithm for the optimal EFG under this alternative height.Peer reviewe
